This Week - Chapel Hill Development Update, Downtown Franklin Street, and LUMO rewrite

This Week - Chapel Hill Development Update, Downtown Franklin Street, and LUMO rewrite
This Week: A Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro Advocacy Update for Chamber Members
By Katie Loovis on January 5, 2022
A Look Ahead
Our local legislative bodies are back at it and starting the new year with packed agendas. Scroll down for a quick summary of this week's local legislative matters that matter to your business and our community.
Tonight (Wednesday), Chapel Hill Town Council will have a work session to provide guidance to staff on downtown Franklin Street (think sidewalk expansion and DOT control of the road), receive an update from staff on the Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) rewrite process and how the community will be engaged (think transit-oriented development planning and visioning), and will discussion long-range planning related to the fascinating Housing Needs Analysis 2020-2040.
On Friday, the Chapel Hill Economic Sustainability Committee will convene for their monthly morning meeting and receive updates on development projects underway and progress on ReVive - the town's economic recovery plan.
In the meantime, your Government Affairs Committee will convene this Thursday morning for their first monthly meeting of the year. During the meeting, the committee will discuss the 2022 policy platform, set priorities for the year, and finalize the plans for the 2022 Critical Issues Series. If you are interested in getting involved in Chamber policy, advocacy, and government affairs, please contact me at
A Look Back
Take a look back at the top takeaways, lessons learned, and insights gathered from the 2021 Critical Issues Series: The Covid Forum, The Economic Outlook Forum, The Regional Economic Development Forum, The Local Economic Development Forum, The Risk & Resilience Forum, The Workforce Forum, The Real Estate Forum, and The Legislative Forum.
Dive Deeper
The Chamber's Government Affairs Committee provides many resources to help Chamber members get connected and involved in local policy, advocacy, and government affairs. Resolve to get involved in 2022, and take a few minutes now to meet your 2022 elected officials, review their meeting agendas, and block your calendar to tune into their meetings: