Living Wage is Up, Broadband Expansion is Accelerating, and the Long-Term Recovery Plan is Being Finalized

Living Wage is Up, Broadband Expansion is Accelerating, and the Long-Term Recovery Plan is Being Finalized
Chamber Members,
Things are moving quickly in the new year and your Government Affairs Committee has several business-relevant updates for you:
- Living wage is now $15.40: Many of our local employers pay their employees a living wage, which is "the minimum amount of income a worker needs to cover their most basic necessities without any form of governmental assistance" according to the Orange County Living Wage. New in 2021, the annually adjusted living wage for Orange County is now $15.40 an hour, and for those employers who provide at least half an employee’s health insurance coverage, the living wage is $13.90 an hour. Learn more and get certified.
- County Broadband Task Force Appointments: Tonight, the Orange County Board of Commissioners will appoint several volunteers to the new Broadband Task Force, which has a two-fold charge: 1) Discuss broadband solutions to improve the quality of high speed internet services to Orange County residents and 2) Recommend a plan to the Board of Orange County Commissioners to expand reliable high-speed internet services to all county residents and businesses. Tune-in tonight for the discussion.
- County Long-Term Recovery Plan: The county has shared the draft Long-Term Recovery and Transformation Plan, which will serve as a roadmap for the post-Covid path ahead. The plan outlines goals, strategies, and initiatives, and is attempting us use an equity lens to ensure a stronger recovery for all. Read the current draft.
- Government Affairs Committee: The Chamber's Government Affairs Committee will convene this Thursday morning for their monthly meeting, during which time they will discuss, update, and approve the 2021-2022 Policy Platform and have a candid conversation on transportation with a local expert. Review the current Policy Platform.
- Register for Critical Issues Forums: The Chamber's Government Affairs Committee coordinates a series of forums, now called the Critical Issues Series. These forums feature influential guest speakers who address timely topics for our region related to the economy, economic development, public policy, and elections. Register now for the Covid Forum on 2/25 and the Economic Forum featuring Dr. Michael Walden on 3/25.
- Calendars & Contacts: The Chamber staff regularly tracks the calendars and agendas of our local governments and communicates the interest of the local business community. Here are the quick links to several relevant calendars as well as a link to extensive contact information so you can easily find what you might need: Carrboro Town Council, Chapel Hill Town Council, Orange County Board of Commissioners, Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) Board of Directors, and more contacts.
I provide staff support to the Government Affairs Committee, so don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, and as always, here are three quick ways you can get involved right now.
PS: Like what you read? Read more of these updates on "Our Voice," which is your weekly guide for navigating the legislative lay of the land and a blog platform that I curate.
Katie R. Loovis
Vice President for External Affairs, The Chamber | 919-696-0781 (cell)
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