Immediate Help to Recruit Employees and Other Resources for Employers

Immediate Help to Recruit Employees and Other Resources for Employers
Immediate Help to Recruit Employees and Other Resources for Employers
By Katie Loovis on June 29, 2021
We have heard loud and clear that employers, especially those in the restaurant and hospitality industry, need immediate help recruiting new employees.
To that end, NCWorks Career Center of Orange County, Orange County Employment Services, and the Town of Chapel Hill Economic Development are coordinating hiring events/job fairs this summer.
There is no cost for employers to engage and below is more information along with our top tips for recruiting new employees in this competitive market and important contact information for additional support.
Hiring Events
The following is a list of hiring events/jobs fairs happening this summer for the hospitality industry, including restaurants, hotels, bars and craft beverage companies, caterers, event venues, and more.
- Monday, July 19th from 2-5pm: “Greets and Treats Hiring Event” sponsored by the Town of Chapel Hill Economic Development and coordinated by Corralling Chaos for the restaurant and hospitality industry at University Place in Chapel Hill. Learn more and sign up, and contact Jerel Bonner at (919) 600-3978 with questions.
- Friday, July 23rd from 9am-12pm: “Southern Hospitality Hiring Series” coordinated by the NC Works Career Center in Orange County for the restaurant and hospitality industry in the "open-air" covered parking area adjacent to the Europa Center in Chapel Hill. Learn more and contact Randy Haynes at (919) 245-4343 to sign up.
- Friday, August 27th from 9am-12pm: “Southern Hospitality Hiring Series” coordinated by the NC Works Career Center in Orange County for the restaurant and hospitality industry in the "open-air" covered parking area adjacent to the Europa Center in Chapel Hill. Learn more and contact Randy Haynes at (919) 245-4343 to sign up.
Recruitment Tips
The following are the top three things we are seeing local employers do to recruit talent in this competitive job market:
1) Advertise the job opportunity in multiple places. The following are just some of the many options:
- NCWorks, which is the official statewide recruitment platform.
- Work in the Triangle, The Daily Tar Heel, UNC Career Services, and The Chamber’s Job Board (log in to post jobs), which are regional and local recruitment platforms.
- LinkedIn, Indeed, Facebook Jobs, and CraigsList, which are other recruitment platforms and make sure to tap Chamber members that provide personnel services, such as Smither & Associates, Inc.
2) Host a table at upcoming hiring events/job fairs to recruit job seekers and offer incentives such as gift cards to job seekers who show up for the interview.
3) Make timely and compelling job offers. Many employers are making offers on the spot with signing bonuses, paying a living wage, and including other incentives in the compensation package such as parking subsidies and/or growth opportunities. To learn what employers in your industry and other comparable industries are paying workers, access labor market data from NCWorks and/or connect with your local NCWorks Career Center Representative.
Important Contacts
The following is a list of key partner organizations that manage funds and resources to help employers recruit, train, and retain employees.
- For inquiries regarding state workforce program and resources, including Incumbent Worker Training funds and On-the-Job Training (OJT) funds, visit the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board and contact Business Service Representative Glenda Morrow at (336) 570-6800.
- For inquiries regarding state funds and resources for hiring those with disabilities, visit NC DHHS Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and contact Business Relations Representative Deanna Jones at (919) 663-2544.
- For inquiries regarding county hiring events and other employer services, visit Orange County Employment Services and contact Randy Haynes at (919) 245-4343. The back-up contact information is general inquiries or (919) 245-2821.
- For inquiries regarding NCWorks Career Center of Orange County located in Chapel Hill, visit their facebook page and contact center manager Caraina Garris at (919) 245-4335.
- For inquiries regarding Orange Works Employment and Training Center located in Hillsborough, visit their facebook page, and contact center manager Lena Angelichio-Miller at (919) 245-4354.
- For inquiries regarding recruiting UNC students for employment and other employer services, visit UNC Career Services and contact UNC Job Location and Development Coordinator, Casey Lowe at (919) 962-6507.
- For inquiries regarding recruiting Durham Tech students for employment and other employer services, visit Durham Tech Employer Services and/or contact Durham Tech Dean of Corporate Services, Beth Payne at (919) 536-7241, ext. 4304.