Vote Yes for Aura

Vote Yes for Aura
*This email from The Chamber to the Chapel Hill Town Council on 06/15/2021 called on the Chapel Hill Town Council to vote yes for Aura - the mixed use project project for the corner of Estes and MLK Blvd.
Dear Chapel Hill Mayor and Council,
On behalf of the Chamber and our more than 700 member enterprises that employs 95,000 workers throughout the region, we encourage you to vote YES for Aura tomorrow evening.
This walkable, transit-friendly mixed use development includes new housing, new affordable housing, the right amount of retail, green spaces, storm water solutions, improvements that improve traffic for the Estes/MLK intersection, and needed density on this transit corridor that will support the planned Bus Rapid Transit line.
The Chamber gives this thoughtful proposal our full and enthusiastic support for many reasons which Aaron and I have expressed to you in our public comments over the last month and I outline below. We ask that you please keep these points in mind as you deliberate:
- (Affordable Housing) This mixed-use project brings much needed housing to our community and includes a generous amount of affordable housing.
- (Commercial Space) Aura includes an appropriate amount of commercial space for this location. In fact, the amount is right-sized to add value to residents but not compete with our downtown local businesses.
- (Key Location) Aura is situated at a critical location - along the bus rapid transit corridor. While we would prefer a more dense design to accommodate more residents and transit riders, we appreciate that the developer was able to make this project pencil with a scale suitable to the existing community.
- (Traffic Mitigation) Estes has long had traffic challenges. Our Chamber knows this as our office is on Estes just down the road from the project site. The development team has clearly and carefully assessed the challenge and will invest substantial amount of money to improve the road, lessen congestion at the intersection, and mitigate issues to ensure they do no harm. Please do not hold this project hostage for a pre-existing issue that is beyond the scope of their responsibility.
- (Environmental Improvements) This is a green project with energy-efficient buildings, EV charging stations, and subterranean parking that allows for vibrant, open, and green community gathering spaces (twice the size of Southern Village Green!) and trails. Additionally, the stormwater interventions exceed town standards.
-> Bottom line: This is the right project, in the right place, at the right time, with the right design. Many young professionals want this option… they want the vibrancy, the transit, and the quality public spaces. Please accept this great proposal and approve this deal.
Thank you!
(cc: Chamber Board Chair, Government Affairs Committee Chair, and President & CEO)
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