This week marks Valentine’s Day – cue the cheers and the groans.
The holiday, while disconcertingly commercialized, still moves many to grand displays of affection complete with flowers, dinner, and chocolates (or even the much-coveted pajamagram).
Of course, the simplest and most powerful way to show your affection is to just listen - truly and actively listen to your beloved.
This week, our local elected officials will be doing a LOT of listening (no major votes) – you could say they are bringing back that lovin’ feeling.
Orange County Board of Education meets this evening at 7pm at the Central Office Board Room to hear an update from the Equity Task Force. The Board charged the Superintendent to assemble this Task Force back in the spring of 2017 to identify which research-based strategies could be implemented to improve academic success and social and emotional development of children in the county school system. Knowing that our students’ proficiency scores, when disaggregated for race and income, show deeply concerning disparities (as Chamber CEO Aaron Nelson outlined in his 2017 State of the Community Report, slide 254, 255), and knowing a strong school system is part of our community’s competitive advantage, we have work to do. We look forward to hearing the Task Force’s recommendations.
?Carrboro Board of Aldermen will convene on Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Board Chambers Room 110 to hear presentations from the two firms that responded to the Town’s RFQ for the 203 S. Greensboro Project (think parking lot behind Tyler’s). This site will become a multi-story building for a new library, town administrative offices, and other potential third party uses. We know Carrboro businesses are concerned about losing significant parking in process. We’ll need to work together on new opportunities for more parking in the coming months.
Chapel Hill Town Council will convene on Wednesday (Valentine’s Day) to hear an update from the Building Integrated Communities Project (BIC). BIC is a statewide community planning initiative that helps NC local governments engage refugee and foreign-born populations in civics. The group has completed their Community Research Phase (community conversations) and will transition to action planning (through June 2018) and then implementation (through April 2019).
Chapel Hill Town Council will also discuss expectations and competencies for the Town Manager Recruitment and Selection Process – a selection process that we believe should include business leaders and other stakeholder groups.
Bottom line: As I consider Valentine’s Day, love, and listening, I’m heartened to see how earnestly our local officials listen to the many voices in our community – especially those who are often under-represented. Mahatma Gandhi said, "Where there is love there is life." I can decidedly say there is a lot of life in Chapel Hill-Carrboro community.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
m: 919.696.0781

PPS: The elections filing period opened today at noon and close Feb 28. Locally (Orange and Chatham) positions are partisan (except as noted) and will have primaries if needed. Incumbent noted:
- US House of Representatives (Price)
- US House of Representatives (Walker)
- NC Senate District 23 (Foushee)
- NC House District 50 (Meyer)
- NC House District 54 (Reives)
- NC House District 56 (Insko)
- District Attorney (Woodall)
- Chatham Clerk of Superior Court (Cooper)
- Chatham County Commissioner District 3 (Hales)
- Chatham County Commissioner District 4 (Crawford)
- Chatham County Commissioner District 5 (Petty)
- Chatham County Sheriff (Roberson)
- Orange County Commissioner at large (Jacobs)
- Orange County Commissioner District 1 (Burrows – not running)
- Orange County Commissioner District 2 (McKee)
- Register of Deeds (Chilton)
- Orange County Clerk of Superior Court (Stanford)
- Orange County Sheriff (Blackwood)
- Orange County Board of Education – nonpartisan – 4 seats
- Chatham County Board of Education – nonpartisan - District 3 (Turner), District 4 (Wilson), District 5 (Leonard)

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