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The Carrboro Board of Aldermen are back in session this evening (Tuesday, Jan 9th at 7:30pm)... 

Chapel Hill Town Council have a work session on Wednesday (10th at 6:30pm)...

And the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) Board of Directors resume on Thursday evening (11th at 6:00pm)...

  • In Carrboro, the Aldermen will consider whether to undertake development of a comprehensive plan, which is basically a guide for the future (think: land use, capital investment, and implementation schedule). This is obviously something that matters to our local business community - especially Carrboro developers, business owners, and the Carrboro Business Alliance.  I will be posting-up this evening at Town Hall to support this undertaking and emphasize the importance of having the voice of business incorporated throughout the ~two-year process.  I invite you to join me.  
  • Meanwhile, OWASA Directors have some difficult conversations underway. Remember that water main break back in February 2017? A series of events led to a large-scale water emergency in our community, resulting in Do-Not-Use and Do-Not-Drink directives for the entire service area that remained in effect for over a day and cost the local business community ~$1M in uninsured losses). Well, OWASA Board and staff are doing a "deep dive" on Thursday to take a closer look at water main breaks because they are not meeting the improvement goal they set for themselves. We applaud them for working in an honest and transparent manner, and will remind them that this is a material issue for our local business community. Needless to say, I will be attending and hope you will join me.  
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or have a perspective you want to make sure gets amplified with our local elected and appointed officials. 

Katie Loovis
m: 919.696.0781 |
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