Say No to Investor-Owned Short-Term Rentals in Chapel Hill

Say No to Investor-Owned Short-Term Rentals in Chapel Hill
The following is a copy of a joint letter sent from a diverse coalition to the Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council regarding investor-owned short-term rentals followed by a recommended framework and copies of approximately 50 public emails from concerned constituents.
February 18, 2021
Dear Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council,
As you consider a fair and reasonable regulatory framework for short term rentals (STRs) in Chapel Hill, we ask that you reconsider your current direction.
It is our understanding that staff is developing a draft ordinance based on direction from Council on December 2, 2020 that would allow investor-owned STRs (“Dedicated Vacation Rentals”) in all zones, including residential zones.
This concerns us for many reasons, most notably because investor-owned STRs are different from “Unhosted” and “Hosted” STRs. Investor-owned STRs are not someone’s primary residence but rather a commercial venture that operates like a hotel.
We recommend that you follow the lead of other university communities, including Berkeley, Boulder, Charlottesville, Madison, and Lawrence and prohibit investor-owned STRs entirely (Source: UNC School of Government).
Furthermore, if investor-owned STRs were to be permitted in limited form with strict operational regulations, then we would recommend prohibiting these enterprises from operating in any residential zone (e.g., Nashville) or in any high-density zones with significant residential components (e.g., Fort Collins). We also would recommend against rewarding operators of investor-owned STRs (which have been operating illegally in Chapel Hill) by "grandfathering" their existing operations or granting them any preferential treatment in the permit application process.
As you know, The Chamber, CHALT, and local hoteliers have collaborated for more than two years, studying this complicated issue, finding common ground, and sharing timely and accurate information with you to help guide your decisions (history of our engagement). To that end, please see our recommended framework for the future ordinance (scroll down for Appendix 1: "Recommended Framework for STRs in Chapel Hill").
We believe there is a growing body of constituents who share our position and are making their voice heard (scroll down for Appendix 2: "Emails from Concerned Constituents").
We thank you for your consideration,
Aaron Nelson and Katie Loovis, The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro
Julie McClintock, John Quinterno, and Linda Carol Davis, Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town
Anthony Carey, Managing Director, The Siena Hotel
Manish Atma, President & CEO, Atma Hotel Group
D. R. Bryan, President, Bryan Properties, Inc, and Co-owner, Hyatt Place Chapel Hill
Rosemary Waldorf, Former Mayor of Chapel Hill
Appendix A: Recommended Framework for STRs in Chapel Hill
By Local hoteliers, CHALT, The Chamber, and former Mayor of Chapel Hill
February 18, 2021
Source: Adapted from UNC School of Government Five Question Checklist
1) Why regulate short-term rentals (STRs)?
- For regulatory consistency, health and safety, preservation of neighborhood character, housing availability and affordability, and economic development.
2) What types of STRs should be covered in the regulations (“hosted,” “unhosted,” and/or “Dedicated Rentals”) and what zones should STRs be allowed to operate?
- “Hosted Rentals” and “Unhosted Rentals” should be allowed with a permit in all zones.
- “Dedicated Vacation Rentals” (a.k.a. investor-owned STRs) should not be allowed in any part of Chapel Hill.*
3) Should STRs be required to register?
- Yes, applicants should go through a simple, online registration process through which an applicant certifies information including: identity of host, address/location of STR, residential status of host, proof of insurance, presence of required safety devices, and designation of a responsible party.
- The information should be made publicly available through a database and/or through a public notification.
- Registration should include a fair and reasonable fee to help cover the cost of processing and enforcement (including possible spot-inspections).
- Registrants should be required to renew on an annual basis with fee and proof of compliance and payment of all applicable taxes.
4) What quantitative limits should be placed on permitted STRs?
- “Hosted Rentals” and “Unhosted Rentals” should be subject to occupancy limits.
5) What operational requirements should be expected of STRs?
- Designated responsible party (listed in publicly available database and/or through a public notification)
- Proof of Insurance and Health & Safety requirements
- Abide by all applicable noise and parking rules
- Collection and remittance of all fees and applicable state and local taxes.
*Per question 2: If investor-owned STRs were to be allowed in Chapel Hill (in limited form with strict operational regulations), then consider Nashville’s ordinance, which prohibits investor-owned STRs from residential zones or Fort Collins’ ordinance, which prohibits investor-owned STRs in high-density residential zones. Furthermore, we strongly recommend that you not reward existing investor-owned STRs, which have been operating illegally in Chapel Hill, by "grandfathering" their existing operations or granting them any preferential treatment in the permit application process.
Appendix B: Copies of ~50 emails from concerned constituents as of 02.17.2021
Public Record Source:
CC: "Nancy Verboon" <>
From: "Rob Verboon" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 14:45:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: STOP neighborhood zoning changes
To: <>
Please stop the zoning changes to allow investor owned homes to be run like hotels in our neighborhoods. Keep commercial zone regulations out of our residential areas.
Thanks for your consideration,
Rob and Nancy Verboon
317 Glendale Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Stimson, James A" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 15:00:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Zoning changes for short term rentals
To: "" <>
To the Mayor and Council:
We write to express our view of proposed changes in neighborhood zoning rules that would permit short term rental use of what are now single family houses in Chapel Hill. We strongly oppose such changes.
We have experience living with short term rentals. For parts of the last two years one house (out of 21 in the neighborhood) was rented on occasional weekends through Airb&b. Although we did not experience the worst problems that come with the short term rental business, such as party houses and police intervention (not unknown in a university town) we did experience the constant coming and going of strangers of unknown character and street congestion (excessive number of parked cars on the street) that sometimes hindered access, particularly for the large trucks needed for garbage pickup.
The commercialization of a single family neighborhood caused a change in its character and stirred intra-neighborhood conflict. When the owners of that property moved elsewhere, there was a great sigh of relief in the neighborhood. The strong dissatisfaction caused by this short term rental prompted a change to our homeowners' covenant preventing another homeowner from doing the same.
We have had to face the fact that it can get worse. Because we are walking distance from Franklin Street and from University venues that attract short term tenants we had reason to fear the prospect that the neighborhood might become so attractive for rental purposes that it would no longer be viable for its intended residential purpose. In such a situation homeowners might be forced to sell by the economic pressure of profitable rental. And that would be the worst possible outcome. If one chose to locate next to a hotel, one would expect problems of partying, drunkenness, and street congestion.
Those things are inherent in travel accommodations. But having chosen to live in a residential district, having quasi-hotels imposed on us by our town government is disappointing. We will be watching.
We have no financial stake in the local hotel business. But we are patrons of these facilities, chiefly using their restaurants, bars and hosting out of town family and guests. We would see the quality of life diminished if they were to fail due to unfair competition from short term rental properties. Hotels of quality bring desirable amenities to our community.
Surely the town has learned from the excesses of Halloween festivities that attracting visitors is not always a good thing.
We protest this change in the strongest possible terms.
James and Dianne Stimson
205 Mill Race Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Ricky dworsky" <>
Sent date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 14:56:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: zoning
To: <>
Just say no to turning our residential neighborhoods into daily rental communities. Lake Forest is not a hotel community! We are a residential community. Please keep it that way!
Thanks for listening,
Richard Dworsky
812 Shady Lawn RD
Chapel Hill
From: "Scott Drake" <>
Sent date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 09:31:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Change in zoning rules?
To: <>
Hello, is it true that neighborhood zoning rules have been changed to allow investors to buy houses in neighborhoods that are family-oriented long-term communities and turn any house into a rental property that functions like a hotel? If so and I understand it correctly, this is an unacceptable policy and I would like to know details about these zoning changes.
Thank you
Scott Drake
CC: <>
From: "John Tomaro" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:52:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor-owned homes
To: <>
Dear Mayor and Council,
I am sure that you are receiving many messages from town residents, and I assume that many are expressing concern about the Chapel Hill Town Council's reported decision to charge town staff to change zoning rules to allow investors -- from other cities -- to buy multiple houses and 'run them like hotels on the short term rental market.'
Before criticizing this action or supporting it, if it was taken, I would like to know if the Chapel Hill Town Council gave the instructions noted above, and the rationale for taking this action. Can you forward a short summary of the delibertions on this action, identify those who made the request and name those on the council who supported it.
If you want to discuss this issue with me by phone, I can be reached at 919-748-8949. I hope to hear from someone within the week, by February 5, 2021.
John B. Tomaro
102 Stoneridge Place
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(Stoneridge-Sedgefield Neighborhood, and former President of the Neighborhood Association)
From: "Ronnie Graham" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 12:35:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: rezoning alert
To: <>
I hope you listen to those who take the time to email you about this subject! What are you possibly thinking? Can you just picture what this college town could look like if this terrible idea was to come
to fruition? Do you all need to be elected out of office because you choose to listen to out-of-town investors instead of using common sense? Let's get this on the news....let's expose you!
From: "Sharon Dinsmore" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 17:23:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to investor-owned homes as a hotel everywhere ?
To: <>
No to investor-owned homes as a hotel everywhere ?
Sent from my iPhone
Sharon Dinsmore 102 Whistling Tree Chapel Hill NC 27514
From: "JEAN CATES" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 14:59:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: vote no
To: "" <>
Please vote No on Investor-Owned Homes.
Thank you
Jean Cates
From: <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 17:51:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Message from Website
To: <>
A new entry to a form/survey has been submitted.
Form Name: Contact Mayor and Council
Date & Time: 01/28/2021 5:51 PM
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1. Name
Jane Kaufman
2. Residency*
(?) I am a resident of Chapel Hill
3. Message
I just received a notice today that the mayor and council might be considering changing some neighborhood zoning rules so that investors can buy multiple houses and run them like hotels for short term rental. I hope this is not something that is seriously under consideration by the council.
Please do not vote for this and save our neighborhoods for homeowners who actually live in their homes. I cannot understand the reasons to even consider such a change. I know that things change and Chapel Hill is growing, but let's consider the benefit of our town growing wisely so that we retain the ambiance that makes people like living here and makes people want to move here. I don't see the benefit of having corporations buying up homes for the use described above. Perhaps you can enlighten me. Thank You
4. If you would like us to contact you regarding this issue, please provide an email or telephone number.
Note: Mail sent to or received from the Town of Chapel Hill is subject to publication under the provisions of the North Carolina public records law.
Thank you,
Town of Chapel Hill, NC
This is an automated message generated by the Vision Content Management System™. Please do not reply directly to this email.
From: "Rich Scherubel" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 12:12:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Zoning
To: <>
We want to state our firm opposition to any regulation or zoning that would permit investors to purchase homes in our neighborhood in order to rent them for a short term market. Our townhouse neighborhood, Kirkwood, has not ever had any trouble selling or renting any available properties.
In general, we think the concept of investor-owned homes that can be used for rentals is a terrible idea. Such a practice could destroy any sense local residents might have of pride or unity in their neighborhood and surrounding environment.
Please do not pass such an unfair regulation.
Richard and Marsha Scherubel
100 Cherrywood Circle
Chapel Hill
Sent from my iPad
From: "Bennett Dansby" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:12:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: disturbing rezoning directive
To: <>
Hello Mayor and Council,
Please drop your push to change zoning rules that were initiated on 12/2/2020.
As stewards of the town, you should recuse yourself if you have any commercial real-estate interests and be aware that legal implications are at stake. The commercial landscape is obviously changing,
moving forward from the pandemic. Any short-sited strategic shift for personal gain (whether it be monetary or political, for you or others) should be met with cynical insight and an act of extreme circumspection by each of you.
Here are three suggestions:
1. Seek to hold each other and developers accountable in ways that were normal before the last several town leadership cycles.
2. Understand that "affordable housing" is code for "landlord affordability" and does not equate to diversity, inclusion, or equality.
3. Please do the right thing for our community and stop deregulating town development to benefit external investors.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to learn more.
Best regards,
B. T. Dansby
906 Roosevelt Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Jonathan J. Prinz" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 13:30:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Fair housing regulation
To: <>
I write to oppose changing zoning laws to allow investors from other cities to buy multiple houses in my neighborhood and run then like hotels or short term rentals.
Jonathan J. Prinz
1817 Rolling Road, Chapel Hill NC 27514
From: "Catherine Nichols" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:29:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor-Owned Homes
To: <>
Dear Mayor and council members,
I'm writing to let you know my strong objection to allowing outside investors to purchase homes in my neighborhood and run it as a hotel.
When I purchased my home in 2004, it was mostly rentals but over the years more people have purchased these homes. Some are "affordable" by Chapel Hill standards and the arrival of families has been wonderful.
Homes are well kept, we know each other and help each other out. There is zero need to change the zoning for this type of business.
If you check my voter records you'll notice I vote in EVERY election and I take great pride in being a native of Chapel Hill. I realize change is inevitable but not this type. It's hard for young families, or middle class people, to purchase homes in CH. This type of change will only make it harder and making CH even more transient.
I live on Hillview Rd., right off of Franklin St. Do not allow this type of zoning change.
Thank you,
Catherine Nichols
1206 Hillview Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Richard Courtright" <>
Sent date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:15:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Request for Zoning Information
To: <>
Mrs. Hemminger and Council Members,
I am writing with regard to a postcard I received in the mail yesterday that has me very concerned. The information on the card indicated that the Town of Chapel Hill may be considering a change to zoning policy that would permit "investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones. " I could elaborate on why I would vehemently be opposed to such a change in the zoning, but before I take the time to do so I would rather find out from you whether this is, indeed, something being considered. I would appreciate any information you can provide for me, not only as a homeowner, but also in my role as the president of our HOA, so that I can forward that information to our neighborhood homeowners.
I have been a resident of Chapel Hill since 1968, having lived in Bingham Heights, Colony Woods, and since 1996 in Springcrest. I have seen a great deal of change in the town over the years, but none has concerned me as much as this possibility does. Thank you very much in advance for any information you can provide to clarify this for us, including anticipated timeline for the proposal, hearings and decision whether or not to adopt.
With sincere appreciation for your service to our town,
Richard Courtright
111 Green Willow Court
Chapel Hill, 27514
From: "AHavil" <>
Sent date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 15:56:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: rezoning
To: <>
Please do not permit investor-owned homes used for short term rentals in Chapel Hill.
Ann Arbor, Michigan has passed strict regulations on this issue which could serve as a model for Chapel Hill.
Thank you.
Ann Haviland
Roy Peach
From: "Anne Vermilya" <>
Sent date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 12:36:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor Owned Homes- Cedar Hills Neighborhood
To: <>
I am opposed to Investor Owned Homes being used like hotels on the short-term rental market in my neighborhood, Cedar Hills. Anne Vermilya, 52 Cedar Hills Circle. Chapel Hill NC 27514
Sent from my iPhone
From: "june dunnick" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:53:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: zoning charge
To: "" <>
Dear Town of Chapel Hill,
Please send me more details on your charge to town staff to change neighborhood zoning rules to allow multiple houses and turn them into hotels. Thank you. June
From: "Dr James McNamara Sr, M.D." <>
Sent date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 09:21:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: investor owned homes operated as hotels JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: "" <>
Dear Fellow Citizens:
I urge you to pass a fair regulation that will not allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones. Moreover, uniformity of safety standards must apply for all.
James McNamara
Resident of Chapel Hill for 43 years
From: "Katherine Ayers" <>
Sent date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:03:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Short-term rentals zoning
To: <>
Mayor Hemminger and council members:
I’m writing to object to the recent proposed zoning change that would allow non-resident investors to buy buildings in my neighborhood and operate them as short-term rentals through AirBnb, VRBO and other such businesses.
I hope you have studied the experiences of other towns throughout the country who found out too late that short-term rentals change the character of neighborhoods in ways that are incompatible with residential living.
Like most Chapel Hill residents, I live in a quiet area with no current commercial presence. But once AirBnb or VRBO take a foothold, residents in similar settings have experienced a variety of problems: excessive car and foot traffic, extra cars parked on busy streets and clogging driveways, loud parties held at all hours by vacationers, and so on.
These problems could affect many residents significantly. Out-of-town visitors come here year-round to attend mass events such as games, graduations, orientation, etc.
As a Chapel Hill homeowner for 26 years, I am asking the town council to pass a regulation that will bar investor-owned homes from operating as short-term rental units in residential areas such as mine.
Thank you.
Katherine Ayers
2427 Rosewood Ct.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Anne Pojman" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:46:05 -0500 (EST)
To: <>
Please do not pass zoning laws that allow investor owned homes to operate like hotels in our neighborhoods.
Please remember what Chapel Hill stands for—many of us treasure our quiet peaceful neighborhoods.
With Regards,
Anne Pojman (Pronounced Poyman)
From: "Elaine Maisner" <>
Sent date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 12:40:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: short-term rentals -- need update
To: <>
Dear Chapel Hill Town Council:
Would you please send me an update as to the MOST RECENT decisions and changes regarding neighborhood zoning for short-term rentals (STR)…I have been searching the town website and see only old information. Have there been changes to the zoning rules, for example, that are now in place?
Also, I would like to know exactly what ARE the zoning rules now in place vis a vis STRs.
Thank you very much in advance for answering my requests for information.
Best regards,
Elaine Maisner
Chapel Hill resident
From: "Bob and Ann Ward" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:02:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Change of zoning
To: <>
We as home owners and residents of the Town of Chapel Hill express our opposition to the adjustments in zoning that would allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones.
We purchased our home in Timberlyne in 1983 under the current zoning regulations and therefore are opposed to the alteration. Thank you for your service to the Town of Chapel Hill.
Robert B. Ward
Ann C. Ward
132 Kingston Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "pauline williams" <>
Sent date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:56:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: investor owned homes/hotels in Chapel Hill
To: <>
The potential problems with non owners are serious and numerous.
Rentals have some oversight, but frequent turnover ESPECIALLY during a pandemic is absurd !!!
My sister was forced to move from her upscale Atlanta neighborhood for reasons of party houses and traffic and curfew and noise violations.
nearly 50 year resident,
Pauline Williams
From: "sanjeev jairath" <>
Sent date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 14:09:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Short term rental regulations
To: "" <>
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
As a tax payer and 60 yr old permanent resident of Chapel Hill, I whemently oppose changing the zoning regulation to allow Investor owned homes in the town.
I am assuming the CH council members are residents of the town and share my concern, if not please reply to my email and advise.
Arti Pandya
From: "Ellen Brown" <>
Sent date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 21:20:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Notice of Potential Change to my Neighborhood's Zoning Rules
To: <>, <>
. . .. regarding investors from other cities to buy multiple houses on my street (Hillview Rd) and run them like hotels on the short-term rental market.
More info please. This is a mixed neighborhood. Some properties do have significant historical "importance".(tho' not designated at this time)
Feel uncomfortable with the wording "will apply the same safety standards to everyone" when some rental properties are not in compliance with a number of Chapel Hill ordinances, especially Chapter 5
Buildings & Building Regulations, Article VIII "Minimum Standards for Control of Insects" Sec. 9-126 Screen, self-closing devices. "In every dwelling unit, for protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other insects, every door . . . and every window or other device with opening to outdoor space, used or intended to be used for ventilation, shall likewise be supplied with screens installed."
From: "Ellen Brown" <>
Sent date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 09:43:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: More regarding zoning rules
To: <>
to allow houses to be operated like hotels. Query: Isn't there a minimum required space for entries and exits for vehicular traffic??? What is it?
From: "Mary Ann Nothdurft" <>
Sent date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 09:37:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No To Investor-Owned Homes (operated as hotels) Everywhere
To: <>
I do not support allowing investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones, especially my neighborhood of Roundtree Rd.
Any regulation on this matter should have the same safety standards across the board.
Mary Ann Nothdurft
105 Round Tree Rd.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: <>
Sent date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:46:06 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor-owned homes as hotels
To: "" <>
Dear Mayor and Town Council,
Especially in turbulent times as ours, it is important to maintain continuity and safety among our neighbors and citizens. To this end, I am writing to oppose any regulation/zoning that may allow investors to operate homes as hotels/short-term rentals anywhere in the Chapel Hill town limits. I urge to to reconsider a position you have in this regard and to find alternative (and even somewhat unpalatable and unpopular) means for generating income, assuming this is part of the reason for interest in this proposed option. Maintaining integrity/status quo to our neighborhoods is an important element to folks who live there and this proposition undermines that integrity and feeling of safety and comfort.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Barnett
105 Roundtree Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Irene Lazarus" <>
Sent date: Sun, 7 Feb 2021 10:21:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to Investor-Owned Homes (Operated as Hotels) everywhere
To: <>
Chapel Hill Town Council,
This is a strong message to say NO to Investor Owned Homes (Operated as Hotels) everywhere. Feels like a horrible betrayal of homeowners in Chapel Hill.
From: "Anne McNamara" <>
Sent date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 14:05:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Stop residential re-zoning
To: <>
Dear Chapel Hill,
Please refuse to allow investor owned homes and short term rentals in our town. REsidential neighborhoods mean just that -- residential -- Not Air BNB, not short term rentals, not double occupancy.
Chapel Hill has already allowed developers and investors to overbuild our town. STOP the ruin.
Anne McNamara 403 Lakeshore Lane
From: "Winston Liao" <>
Sent date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:55:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to Investor-Owned Homes
To: <>
Dear Mayor Hemminger and Council Members,
Please pass a regulation that won't allow investor-owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones. This includes the Rocky Ridge historic district.
Our neighborhood is already seeing many instances of houses being rentals without owners present. Many of these residences show visible signs of damages to the house, yard and other property. Some show neglect, and some show outside repositories for renters' trash, furniture, appliances, etc.
Thank you very much for your kind attention to this issue.
Winston Liao
From: "Jerry Kyle" <>
Sent date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 20:55:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Saying "No" to Investor Owned Homes Operated as Hotels Everywhere!
To: <>
Please pass a fair regulation that won’t allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones!!
Mr. and Mrs. Jero T. Kyle
103 Cedar Hills Circle
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Craig Nicholson" <>
Sent date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 09:49:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NO to investor-owned Homes in Chapel Hill!!!!!
To: <>
To whom;
We have no need for the proposal to allow absentee landlords to purchase homes with the sole intent to turn the entire dwelling into a hotel in residential neighborhoods.
Craig Nicholson
101 Martha Ln, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
617 462 2694
CC: "Beth Clurman" <>, "DONNA GOLDSTEIN" <>, "Jeanette Sarbo" <>
From: "Irene Lazarus" <>
Sent date: Sun, 7 Feb 2021 10:35:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to investor owned homes operated as hotels
To: "" <>
Please immediately pass a fair regulation that:
Won’t allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones
Will apply the same safety standards to everyone
Irene Lazarus, PhD, LMFT
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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From: "D.A. Works" <>
Sent date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 12:58:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Please VOTE NO for Neighborhood Rezoning
To: <>
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
Having recently learned that you are considering a change in the neighborhood zoning rules for my community, I strongly urge you to VOTE NO on this matter and leave the zoning as it stands now.
If a change in the zoning rules means that homes in my neighborhood could be purchased as "investment property" and then used as "short-term rental units", then this is totally unacceptable. Would you want such a home as your next-door neighbor? Would you want several of these homes on your lane or street or road? Would you want your neighborhood flooded with such homes? I think not. Homeowners like myself have not worked hard and saved to buy a home in lovely quiet neighborhoods only to have zoning rules changed that would allow "transient hotel-type single-family dwellings" to multiply and prosper, thereby eroding the liveability of our existing communities.
Again, I urge you to reject this zoning rule change that would permit investor-owned homes used for short-term rentals.
Dorothy A. Works
111 Woodbridge Lane (Summerfield Crossing)
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "cherye abernathy" <>
Sent date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 15:03:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to Investor owned Homes
To: <>
I am opposed to the investor owned homes. I am local and live in the North Forest Hills Area.
Sincerely Cherye Abernathy
From: "Stu Solomon" <>
Sent date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 11:32:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor owned homes
To: "" <>
Investor owned homes should not be allowed to operate in residential neighborhoods. Regulations should apply same standards for everyone.
Stu Solomon
130 Lake Ellen Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "tina wheeler" <>
Sent date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 17:11:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: zoning alert
To: <>
We are concerned about the Zoning alert we received.
This is not something we are in favor of passing.
What steps do we need to take to prevent this from happening?
This move would benefit very few people, only those who sell out their property in order to pay their mortgage, while others in this neighborhood are established families who are paying their mortgage in order to provide their family with a home where there is stability, predictability, and familiarity. Having random people moving in and out so frequently will dilute these attributes of this area.
Also, there are other factors such as concerns about increased traffic, as children frequently play in the street.
The comfort of familiarity with your neighbors would be compromised because you have no idea who might be next door. at any given time.
Also, the concerns about property value. For the homeowner that is a concern.
From: <>
Sent date: Sat, 13 Feb 2021 15:42:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Investor owned homes in Lake Forest neighborhood
To: <>
Greetings Mayor and Council,
Your are no doubt familiar with the flyer that has been distributed in the Lake Forest neighborhood regarding a change in zoning rules that will allow investors to purchase multiple homes and rent them out to short-term rentals. We live at 2016 Shoreline Dr., and as the flyer presents the case, we are definitely not in favor of this decision. However, I am sure there is more to this story and am interested in getting the town’s perspective on this issue. Are there recent council meeting notes or other resources that would provide us with more background on this issue and any related decisions or rulings?
If the case has been stated accurately in the flyer, we are definitely against this decision. We do not want short-term, transient renters rotating through our neighborhood as neighbors.
Thank you.
Tim and Tamara Griffin
2016 S. Lakeshore Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
From: "Lynne Hicks" <>
Sent date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 18:02:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No to investor owned homes to operate as hotels
To: <>
Dear Hon. Hemminger and Town Council:
I am writing to ask that you pass fair regulation that won’t allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones.
We use to live close to UNC so my physician/professor husband could walk to work. He is also a former UNC undergrad and graduate student. We put up with all the noise from outside parties from the student rental houses in the Cameron McCauley Historic district neighborhood, to include loud bass music that interrupted your sleep, red cups and beer bottles in our front yard, awakening in the middle of the night to see streakers down McCauley at 2 am, drunk students on our front porch and in our back yard, stolen outdoor furniture from our property, breaking and entering, and overflowing trash on the street, etc. etc.
After about 8 years, we decided to move to a quiet, tranquil neighborhood in Lake Forest. After about several months, I discovered that a large 5-6 bedroom air bnb was 2 doors down.
There have been several outdoor weddings and reunions there. The venue draws people from out of town and guests that are not staying at the facility. Cars line our street for parking. It can be hard to sit outside in peace when an event is going on. Also, their music can be heard inside our house when we are inside with the doors and windows closed. I will say, that this past year, the noise has been quieter from the airbnb. I think the owners, who are very nice, may have set some new rules.
It is not up to neighbor citizens, to put up with outside groups buying up property in desirable neighborhoods. It is disturbing of the peace when sound ordinances and public utilities are taken advantage of, for example: overflowing trash and recyclables in the same container. I get it, Chapel Hill is a great community, but what if a large population here decided to sell their properties at exorbitant prices to outside investors? There goes that community connection, the caring for others and to live responsibly. When we lived adjacent to campus, we were told to call the police if there was loud noise. I would then have to get out of my bed and go outside in my bathrobe, to tell the dispatcher if the noise was coming from Ransom or the fraternity on Cameron Ave. or….I had to do this in order to get the boom boom music to stop interrupting my sleep, even with the aid of my sound machine.
In conclusion, since we have no control over who buys up property around us, there needs to be some standards, rules and continuity, fees, fines and at the very least owner occupancy.
Thank you for your time.
I represent the folks that share the same feelings but didn’t take the time to write.
Sincerely yours,
Lynne K Hicks, RN-ret
formerly a policeman’s, mayor and county commissioner’s daughter
From: "Carol Arnold" <>
Sent date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 14:58:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: zoning residential neighborhoods for investors
To: "" <>
I am a long time resident of Chapel Hill. I am shocked to learn that the Town Council would rezone my neighborhood for commercial use. This is a ridiculous idea and should be voted down!
This will decrease the values of our homes, make our neighborhoods less safe, and change the landscape of our town. Vote no to end this nonsense.
Carol Arnold
109 Callard Run
From: "Katie Solovij" <>
Sent date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 11:01:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Short Term Rental Regulations
To: <>
Dear Mayor Hemminger and Council Members,
I have been a homeowner for the past 5 years in Chapel Hill. I have seen the steady increase of single family homes rise significantly in this short period of time. I have also seen an unnerving number of large scale LUXURY apartments be built with an average cost far greater than any family making less than 100k a year could afford. I was almost a single mother working full time with good pay and could not afford to live in this town. I state the aforementioned to bring light to my concern of the possibility of rezoning neighborhoods so that investors can gobble up multiple homes in a neighborhood for short term rentals. This is appalling and does not adhere to the moral compass of this town.
As investors come in, the prices of single family homes will rise as well as rentals and price out hard working families and single parents that work here as well as leaving little option for graduating college students to leave and look for work in other areas due to the cost of housing here. Not only is rezoning damaging for the property price (and increase in property taxes..which i know is the goal but at what cost?) but for the neighborhood. With short term rentals it can bring chaos to a neighborhood where there is instability for the long term renters and owners that they don't know who their neighbors are.
I currently live next door to someone that does not live in his house but a small percent of the time and his daughter and her friends come over and party as they please thus leaving me unsure as to whom is next to me getting high and drunk. We have had beer bottles and cigarette butts scattered around the surrounding neighbors homes and random trash at times. As a mother of a small child I find this very disturbing that the town would seek financial opportunity at the cost of their citizens financial, social and environmental safety. Please do not allow this rezoning to take place, stand up for the citizens you represent and SAY NO TO INVESTOR OWNED HOMES operated as hotels.
Katie Solovij
P.S. For some outside perspective but relates to what is occurring in this town please see what has happened to other small college towns in Goleta,CA and Santa Barbara,CA. Where my husband, small child and I left while making over 100k/yr as we could not afford to own or rent any longer.
From: "Ellen Brown" <>
Sent date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 09:13:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Recent Mailing Regarding Change in Zoning Rules
To: <>
I received a postcard concerning a threat to my neighborhood's zoning rules regarding the possibility of houses in my area being run like hotels. Conveniently, NO deadline to respond was included!!! I want to know the exact area of my "neighborhood" that is targeted. Also, did this notice go out only to owners of homes or did it include rentors as well??? Thank you. I look forward to getting answers
ASAP in case there is a deadline for response.
From: "Julia Clevenger" <>
Sent date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 14:47:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: We Say No to....
To: <>
We have learned that you are considering changing rezoning regulations governing occupation of single family homes in our neighborhood and that these changes will permit "out of town" ownership and short-term leases as now permits hotels.
We strongly oppose such a change. Do not even consider it.
Thank you .
Weems Clevenger
Feb. 1, 2021
Sent from my iPad
From: "Elaine Maisner" <>
Sent date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 12:40:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: short-term rentals -- need update
To: <>
Dear Chapel Hill Town Council:
Would you please send me an update as to the MOST RECENT decisions and changes regarding neighborhood zoning for short-term rentals (STR)…I have been searching the town website and see onlyold information. Have there been changes to the zoning rules, for example, that are now in place?
Also, I would like to know exactly what ARE the zoning rules now in place vis a vis STRs.
Thank you very much in advance for answering my requests for information.
Best regards,
Elaine Maisner
Chapel Hill resident
From: "Barbara Dean" <>
Sent date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 18:10:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re-zoning
To: <>
Please do NOT allow investor-owned homes to operate as hotels in residential zones.
Apply the same safety standards to everyone. / Barbara Dean
Sent from my iPad
From: "Harriet Solomon" <>
Sent date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 12:30:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Zoning of Investor-Owned Homes Everywhere
To: <>
I write to SAY NO to Investor-Owned Homes (Operated as Hotels) Everywhere in Chapel Hill. The Council needs to pass a fair regulation that: won't allow investor owned homes to operate as hotels
in residential areas; and will apply the same safety standards to everyone.
Thank you.
Harriet Solomon
North Forest Hills
For questions, contact Chamber Vice President of External Affairs, Katie Loovis, at (919) 696-0781 (cell) or Like what you read? Read more on "Our Voice."