RDU Needs a Longer Runway, Sept 29 is Regional Transit Awareness Day, and other Regional Transportation Updates

RDU Needs a Longer Runway, Sept 29 is Regional Transit Awareness Day, and other Regional Transportation Updates
Let's Get Moving: An Update on Regional Transportation
Prepared by Katie Loovis on 09/14/2022
There is a lot of movement with improving regional transit and transportation, and your Government Affairs Committee wants to make sure you are aware and up to date.
The Chamber is a member of, and works in partnership with, the Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA). Together, this alliance brings the voice of the regional business community to transportation. RTA has several active initiatives and 2022 priorities. The following are some timely RTA updates:
First, Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) needs Federal funding for a new, longer runway. Identifying sustainable funding for essential growth at RDU Airport is a top RTA priority and is connected to the long-term success of our region. To that end, The Chamber is part of an RTA 2022 RDU campaign joined by the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina and the Triangle-J Council of Governments to support significant federal funding to replace, relocate, and lengthen the primary runway at RDU.
Second, Thursday, September 29, 2022 is Regional Transit Awareness Day. This is an opportunity for the regional business community and area elected and transportation leaders to focus on transit options and opportunities. RTA is hosting a special Regional Transit Awareness Day event to increase awareness of our region’s current multimodal offerings and the appreciation for how purposeful investment in transit improves our region.
Third, RTA is pushing for a "both/and" regional multimodal plan that includes both the regional commuter rail - and - complementary, connected, and scalable solutions such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along with moving forward the Freeway And Street-based Transit (FAST) development plan. A letter was issued to the heads of the NC Department of Transportation, the NC Railroad Company, and GoTriangle affirming this direction and echoing the business community's support.