Orange County Land Use, Bus Rapid Transit Update, and Business Childcare Survey

Orange County Land Use, Bus Rapid Transit Update, and Business Childcare Survey
Government Affairs Briefing - Jan. 26, 2024
Orange County Land Use Plan
Work is underway to update Orange County’s comprehensive land use plan. This effort, slated to last through next spring, will help guide growth and development in the county for the next quarter century. At a public input session in Cedar Grove last Friday, many comments underscored the difficult balance of maintaining woodlands and farmland while providing opportunities for job creation and high-demand housing. Multiple commentors wanted to make sure children in Orange County today can realistically expect to live and earn here in adulthood.
Get Involved: Share your perspective with County planners through four brief online surveys – Growth, Human, Jobs, Environment - and with a dynamic mapping tool.
Chapel Hill Land Use Ordinance
The Town of Chapel Hill’s current comprehensive Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) was originally adopted in 2003. There have been several additions and changes in the two decades since, but no holistic updates. The LUMO is important because it establishes policy for everything from residential lot size to business promotional signs. Building off the Complete Community Strategy adopted last year, Town Council intends to conduct a comprehensive update to the LUMO by the end of the year. Chamber staff will be engaged throughout the process and will share opportunities for local businesses to weigh in on its development. Watch Council’s Jan. 17 meeting for more details on process, timeline and expectations.
Bus Rapid Transit Update
In an update to Chapel Hill Town Council this week, transit planners gave a status report on the 8.2 mile, 17 stop North South Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. Currently in the 60% design and engineering phase, the update to council included findings from a series of station design workshops and a project timeline showing construction poised to begin in 2027. Download project update materials and watch the council meeting.
Tracking Water/Sewer Extension
This week, the Daily Tar Heel recapped the status of water & sewer service extension south along 15/501, focusing on the Town of Carrboro’s pending vote expected Feb. 6. Read the article: Carrboro Town Council delays voting on water and sewer extension after Chapel Hill's approval.
Business Childcare Survey
The North Carolina Chamber has convened a Childcare Coalition working to advance child care funding structures, policy reforms, and innovations that address the growing workforce demand for more childcare. Your input can help shape their advocacy efforts. Take 5 minutes now to fill out a short survey about your company’s child care needs. The survey will remain open through Wednesday, Jan. 31.
Meet the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee, read the policy platform, contact your local officials, dive deeper into the issues, and contact The Chamber's Vice President for Advocacy Ian Scott for questions or concerns.