Bus Rapid Transit Update, Orange County Job Fair, and Leadership 2024

Bus Rapid Transit Update, Orange County Job Fair, and Leadership 2024
Government Affairs Briefing - March 20, 2024
Bus Rapid Transit Gains Keys Support
The community buzzed last week after the North-South Bus Rapid Transit (NSBRT) project was recommended for $138 million funding in the Biden administration’s 2025 fiscal year budget proposal. Being included among 14 major transit projects nationwide specifically slated for funding is a HUGE deal worth celebrating.
It means that our project scores well with the Federal Transit Administration and has strong support in Washington D.C. But a recommendation is not the same as appropriation, and many Congressional hurdles remain before federal funds are committed to the project. The Chamber is reaching out to our delegation members to thank them for their support for NSBRT funding.
Chapel Hill Budgeting
Anticipated revenue is not adequate to cover anticipated costs; expect a property tax increase recommendation of around 1.5 cents. That was the take-away from Town of Chapel Hill staff’s budget presentation to Council at their March 13 workshop. Day-to-day operating costs are projected to be up in the 3-5% range, and the Town has identified $20 million in backlogged facilities and fleet vehicle needs.
Revenues are projected to be up too, but not as much as in recent years. Property tax growth is forecast at less than 1% year-over-year and while sales tax revenues are projected to be up 4%, that figure is roughly half the growth rate of recent budget years. The anticipated 1.5 cent property tax increase recommendation is in line with previously shared multi-year budget forecast.
Doing Business with Carrboro, Info Session April 10
The Town of Carrboro wants your feedback on doing business with the Town, and they’re holding a virtual public meeting on Wed. April 10 at 6pm to hear from you. The input session is part of an ongoing Disparity Study of the Town’s contracting and procurement practices. The study's findings will inform the Town's decision-making process and enable it to develop policies and strategies to promote equitable access to contracting opportunities.
Learn more about Carrboro’s Disparity Study and take their Business Owner Survey.
Community Home Trust Launches "Mortgage Ready" Pilot Program
Last week, Community Home Trust announced a pilot program to help prospective first-time homebuyers overcome barriers to qualifying for a mortgage, such as inadequate savings, low credit scores, and unstable incomes. The 6-month program is free of charge and combines monthly financial education with individual coaching from HUD-certified counselors. The first five pilot program participants will be selected from among current Community Home Trust applicants.
Orange County Job Fair, April 17
The Orange County Department of Social Services is hosting job fair on Wed. April 17 from 10am-2pm at the Orange Works Employment and Training Center in Hillsborough. The event is expected to attract dozens of NC Works-registered job-seekers. There is no charge for employers to participate. Register your business online or call Shanika Williams with Orange County Department of Social Services at (919) 245-2822 for more information.
Leadership Registration Open
Registration is currently open for Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro, our community’s premier local immersion and leadership development program. For nearly four decades, Leadership has given emerging and experienced leaders alike a 360-degree look their community with unrivaled depth and access. The 10-session, cohort-based program has also forged countless new friendships and inspired civic engagement. The program routinely sells out and is occasionally oversubscribed, act now if you or a colleague are interested in participating in this year’s class.
Estes Construction to Wrap before Summer
According to reporting from Chapelboro.com, the Town of Chapel Hill now projects that construction on Estes Drive will wrap by the end of Spring. The project to widen, repave, and install new sidewalks and bike paths began in March 2022 and was initially projected to wrap in Summer 2023. Coordination with stakeholders, including repair work by other utility providers, is one reason cited for the delay. More information about the Estes Drive Connectivity Project is availability on the Town’s website.
Meet the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee, read the policy platform, contact your local officials, dive deeper into the issues, and contact The Chamber's Vice President for Advocacy Ian Scott for questions or concerns.