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2024 Chamber Advocacy in Action

2024 Chamber Advocacy in Action

The Chamber achieved major advocacy wins this year, making significant strides in housing, infrastructure, and economic development. From successful bond referenda to pro-housing policy changes and insights from Ann Arbor, the Chamber is driving initiatives that strengthen our community.

Here are a few key highlights of our impact:

Bonds Funding Housing, Schools Pass by Wide Margins
Chapel Hill and Orange County voters decisively approved all municipal and countywide bonds. This decision, championed by the Chamber's "Vote Yes to Invest" campaign, will invest $44 million in affordable housing, public facilities, streets and sidewalks, parks and recreation, and greenways in Chapel Hill plus $300 million in much-needed improvements in our local schools.

Water/Sewer Access Extension Opens Door for Future Housing
Following a petition by the Chamber in 2023, local governments voted to extend the water and sewer service boundary along the Hwy 15-501 corridor from Southern Village to the Chatham County line. Backed by a coalition of affordable housing advocates, this change will open the door for development of more affordable housing options close to employers and served by transit.

Joint Chamber/HBA Task Force Recommends Pro-Housing Policy Changes
A joint task force of the Chamber and the Home Builders Association have proposed policy
changes for Chapel Hill's Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO). These recommendations aim to promote affordable housing, make it easier to open a business, facilitate infill
development, streamline processes, and align future growth with the Town’s Complete Community vision.

Ann Arbor Visit Spotlights Downtown Development, Housing, Climate Action
The Chamber’s biennial Inter-City Visit brought a delegation of 65 local leaders to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to benchmark a peer community’s efforts in downtown activation, affordable
housing, economic development, and climate action. Insights from the trip are already
informing local initiatives.

New Chamber Team Members Tackle Campaign Goals
The Chamber recruited Taylor Gay as Business Success Navigator and Gregory Raymond as
Community Advancement Manager. These new positions, funded by the Campaign for a
Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro, add the capacity needed to meet ambitious Campaign goals in workforce development, housing supply and affordability, start up support, and small
businesses growth.

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