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TAKE ACTION - $20,000 Grants Open to Restaurants 8:00am Thursday, Nov 12

TAKE ACTION - $20,000 Grants Open to Restaurants 8:00am Thursday, Nov 12

Carrboro Business Alliance CEO Statement

Restaurateurs (and those with good connections to them – help spread the word),
Please see the announcement below and log on as soon as you can to review requirements and make plans to apply tomorrow (funds will be distributed on a first-come, first served basis and we expect the fund to be oversubscribed).
MURR Grants Now Available for Restaurants (up to $20,000 per location)!
As Governor Cooper announced yesterday, beginning tomorrow, Thursday, November 12, at 8:00am, full-service restaurants will be eligible to apply for grants from the NC Commerce MURR (Mortgage, Utilities, and Rent Relief) Program for the first time. 
Restaurants may request direct payments for up to four months of rent or mortgage interest payments up to $20,000 per location (no more than two locations).  
Eligible restaurants must employ fewer than 50 people at the location where they are seeking assistance AND MUST have already made the rent or mortgage payments and proof of payment will be required! 
For more information and to apply, Click HERE.  (There is a last minute webinar tomorrow morning at 9:00am and you can register for it HERE.)  Funds will be available until they are fully expended, so be sure to get your application in early!
In partnership,

Aaron M. Nelson, IOM
President and CEO


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