Statement and Action Plan from the Chair of the Carrboro Business Alliance regarding the Racially-charged Incident at Present Day on Main

Statement and Action Plan from the Chair of the Carrboro Business Alliance regarding the Racially-charged Incident at Present Day on Main
Statement and Action Plan from the Chair of the Carrboro Business Alliance regarding the Racially-charged Incident at Present Day on Main
There was a racially-charged incident at a local Carrboro business, Present Day on Main, on 4/3/22 that left the business owners feeling unsafe and they have closed their business until further notice (read more here, listen here, and watch here at the 18:30-mark). The CBA Leadership Council is deeply troubled by this incident, has discussed it at our recent CBA Policy Committee and Leadership Council meeting, and we wish to communicate three things and share our next steps:
First, to Soteria Shepperson and Sophie Suberman, the owners of Present Day on Main and fellow CBA members: what you experienced is scary and unacceptable. We want you to know that we see you and we stand with you. And we want to be there for you and with you as you get your business reopened and back to the magic that you bring to our community and the life-changing work that you do in others’ lives. Thank you for your engagement in the CBA. By way of this public statement, we are sharing your gofundme page, “Support What It Means To ‘Live In The Present’,” and we offer our collective support of your funding priorities, including helping you and your employees recover lost wages and installing additional security.
Second, to BIPOC owners or managers of local enterprises: you are important. We want you to feel safe and secure as you do business and know that you are a valued member of the community. The CBA recently established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the committee members are dedicated to many things including advancing solutions that will help you stay in business, feel welcomed, and be successful in Carrboro. Please contact the Chair of the DEI Committee, Nora Spencer, if you would like to get involved and/or provide input to help shape our priorities.
Third, to our CBA members: we are guided by values to which we have all agreed, including a belief that, “Diversity builds a more resilient economy and we oppose discrimination in all forms.” We want you to know that you have rights as a local business owner to keep yourself and your employees safe, and we want to discuss tactics and resources to help you navigate tense situations. To that end, we will be hosting a workshop and hope you will join us (more details to come).
Ultimately, we hope and believe this disturbing incident will bring us together and result in greater community, equity, and growth - three values on which Present Day on Main was founded.
To creating the Carrboro we all know is possible,
Josh Moorhead
Chair, Carrboro Business Alliance
Manager, Weaver Street Market
About the Carrboro Business Alliance: The Carrboro Business Alliance (CBA), founded in 2014 on the shared belief that "local matters," is now more than 100 local businesses collaborating to help Carrboro thrive. The CBA mission is to 1) connect members with information, customers, and other enterprises, 2) represent local business interests with policymakers, and 3) promote members and the Carrboro community. The success of the CBA was made possible by CBA Founding Champions: Carr Mill Mall, The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro, and the Town of Carrboro; and CBA Founding Investors: Atma Hotel Group, Carrboro Creative, Chapel Hill Tire, Coastal Credit Union, CommunityWorx, Duke Energy, Eller Capital Partners, I-40 Films, New Media Campaigns, Weaver Street Market, and Wrenn Works. Follow the CBA on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and YouTube, and join the conversation with #LocalMatters.