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Local Businesses Call on Community to Buy Local

Local Businesses Call on Community to Buy Local

Carrboro Business Alliance Member News
New #LocalStimulUS campaign makes it safe, easy, and rewarding for residents to support local businesses now and as our community re-opens



Chapel Hill, NC: Now more than ever, local businesses need our support. The coronavirus crisis has dealt a serious blow to small businesses, but a new #LocalStimulUS campaign makes it safe, easy, and rewarding for residents to support these enterprises now and as our community re-opens. 

Why Buy Local: Every time we make a purchase at a local business, we support local jobs and help preserve the local character of our community. In fact, 67 cents of every dollar we spend at a local business stays in our community. When we spend it here, we keep it here, so keep it local. 

#LocalStimulUS: More than a dozen chambers of commerce and economic development organizations serving Orange and Chatham Counties have teamed-up on the #LocalStimulUS campaign. The campaign encourages residents to buy local as they receive COVID-19 stimulus checks and navigate these trying times. The campaign includes a logo and tagline, “Keep it local, y’all!” as well as the hashtag, #LocalStimulUS, and a website with more information, The campaign is designed for our region, but flexible for use by communities across the country. 

Mother’s Day Challenge: Mother’s Day weekend is traditionally a big weekend for our local businesses. To promote more local shopping and dining over the weekend, #LocalStimulUS partners will amplify the buy local message on social media and through local media, put out #LocalStimulUS yard signs and balloons, and host a artistic challenge with prizes.

For the challenge, all residents are invited to share an original song, poem, or work of art that captures the importance of buying local around Mother’s Day. Gift cards to local businesses will be given in recognition of entries that bring the biggest smiles to the faces of the volunteer judges (*Updated: now up to $500 in total available in smaller increment gift cards to Neal's Deli and Open Eye Cafe in Carrboro, Caffe Driade and Red Pepper in Chapel Hill, and Pittsboro Roadhouse and Pickle Jar Cafe in Pittsboro). For your entry to be considered, simply share your original creation via social media (facebook, twitter, instagram, or youtube) using the hashtag, #LocalStimulUS. For questions, contact Katie Loovis at

Five Ways to Support Local Business: When making a purchase, please consider a local business. Although many storefronts are closed, there are ways you can support them right now: 
  1. Order online for delivery, take-out, or curbside pick-up.

  2. Buy gift cards to be used on a special occasion at a later date. 

  3. Shop at the farmers’ market and sign up for a CSA.

  4. Book service appointments now or for a later date with local vendors, such as car and bike repair and dog grooming, and remember local shopping options for prescriptions and other supplies. 

  5. Share your love of a local business through a #LocalStimulUS social media post and a positive review online. 


Find a Local Business: Many local businesses are still operating but with safety adjustments, including virtual classes, online ordering, and delivery, take-out, or curbside services. Find a local business now: 


If you are a Local Business: Local businesses and nonprofit organizations are encouraged to get involved and join the buy local movement. Download the logo and share it in your emails and social media posts, and print it out for display in your store window. Also, use the #LocalStimulUS hashtag in your customer updates and deals on social media so that we can see it and share it, too. 

“Buying local has never been more important,” said Aaron Nelson, President and CEO of The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro. “When we spend it here, we keep it here, so let’s keep it local now more than ever.”

About: This campaign was designed and developed by The Splinter Group, ignited by The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro, the Carrboro Business Alliance, and CarrboroUnited in partnership with the Town of Carrboro Economic Development; the Town of Chapel Hill Economic DevelopmentChapel Hill Downtown Partnership, and Launch Chapel HillOrange County Economic Development and Orange County Visitors Bureau; the Town of Hillsborough Economic Development and the Hillsborough Orange County Chamber of Commerce; the Chatham County Economic Development Corporation and the Chatham County Chamber of Commerce; and the Small Business Technology and Development Center, serving Alamance, Chatham, Lee, Orange, and Person Counties. 

Contact: For questions about the #LocalStimulUS campaign, contact Katie Loovis, Vice President for External Affairs, The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro, (919) 696-0781 (cell),

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