Leaders from Chapel Hill, NC and UNC Travel to Athens-Clarke County for Inter-City Visit

Leaders from Chapel Hill, NC and UNC Travel to Athens-Clarke County for Inter-City Visit
Sunday, September 21 through Tuesday, September 23
For more information, contact:
Kristen Smith, (919) 740-8046, ksmith@carolinachamber.org
Margot Lester, (323) 314-3735, margot@thewordfactory.com
Leaders from Chapel Hill, NC and University of North Carolina
Travel to Athens-Clarke County for Inter-City Visit
Community and business leaders from the greater Chapel Hill, NC community, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will travel to Athens-Clarke County and spend three days
learning about key issues and meeting with key leaders in Athens.
The purpose of the visit is to convene leaders of the greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro community to learn from the experiences of another community, better understand the assets and opportunities of our own community, and to build relationships among participants.
WHO: Community and business leaders of Chapel Hill, North Carolina (see attached participant list)
WHAT: 2014 Inter-City Visit and Leadership Conference (see attached agenda)
WHEN: Sunday, September 21 through Tuesday, September 23
WHERE: Athens, GA
During this year’s visit to Athens, visiting leaders hope to glean knowledge from their Georgia counterparts on key issues such as K-12 education, community branding, visitor spending, growth and development, economic development, and university and community collaboration.
The Partnership for a Sustainable Community, the charitable arm of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, has been coordinating this visit with the help of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, University of Georgia, Visit Athens, and Athens-Clarke County, among others.
For more information, visit http://icvathens2014.weebly.com/ or contact Kristen Smith at (919) 740-8046.