CBA Supports Lloyd Farm Development Proposal

CBA Supports Lloyd Farm Development Proposal
*Updated - October 22, 2019: Carrboro Business Alliance staff support, Katie Loovis, resubmitted the letter of CBA Leadership Council's unanimous support for the Lloyd Farm development project and conditional use permit (CUP) request. Scroll down for the full text of the original letter:
October 23, 2018: Carrboro Business Alliance staff support, Katie Loovis, resubmitted the letter of CBA Leadership Council's unanimous support for the Lloyd Farm Development Proposal, which was referenced by the Mayor during the public hearing. The Board of Aldermen voted to approved the rezoning 5-2 (with Seils and Slade voting against). Watch Mayor's Remarks (hit time 2:48:10-2:53:20, with CBA reference at 2:49:30).
September 25, 2018: Carrboro Business Alliance Policy & Advocacy Committee Member and Carrburitos owner, Rae Mosher, spoke on behalf of the CBA in support of the Lloyd Farm Development Proposal during the public hearing. Watch Rae's Remarks (hit-time 1:39:40-1:42:04)
September 21, 2018: Carrboro Business Alliance Leadership Council Chair and co-owner of Cameron's, Bridget Pemberton-Smith, signed and submitted a letter on behalf of the Carrboro Business Alliance to the Carrboro Mayor and Board of Aldermen, which shares the CBA Leadership Council's unanimous support for the Lloyd Farm Development Proposal. The letter explains why the Mayor and Aldermen should rezone the project and approve the related Conditional Use Permit at their earliest possibility. Read the Letter
September 21, 2018
Mayor Lavelle and Members of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen,
On September 18, the Board of Directors of the Carrboro Business Alliance met, considered the strong recommendation of our Public Policy Committee, and voted unanimously to endorse the Lloyd Farm development proposal and to formally ask the Carrboro Board of Aldermen to rezone the project, as proposed, on September 25, 2018, and to vote to approve the related Conditional Use Permit at your earliest possibility.
The proposed rezoning and CUP have successfully accommodated years of neighborhood, community, advisory board, and Aldermen feedback and we hope their genuine, patient, and thoughtful participation in Town and community processes have earned your support.
This proposed $100+ million investment in our community will increase and create new commercial, retail and residential opportunities, generate substantial municipal, school and county property taxes, increase sales tax revenues, grow local jobs and create needed senior housing, and additional retail and service offerings on the Hwy 54 corridor.
In addition, we are impressed by the developer’s commitment to create affordable housing and to make as much as a $1 million contribution to the Town of Carrboro to support the creation of additional affordable housing.
Further, the project’s offer to donate more than $1 million in developable land to the Town of Carrboro and their commitment to install stormwater mitigation strategies in excess of local requirements and standards make this project a project worthy of your strong support.
Like you, we know that this property will one day be developed, and we would prefer it develop as the owners have proposed (with all the amenities and proposed contributions), rather than as it is currently permitted to develop under existing zoning.
The Carrboro Business Alliance’s mission is to be a trusted voice of Carrboro enterprises that connects, supports and serves its members and the broader community, sustaining a strong, resilient Carrboro. We are grateful for your consideration of our request.
Bridget Pemberton-Smith, Chair